We provide independent strategic Asbestos Consulting and high-level expert advice across a wide range of industries and building types.
Asbestos is the name of a group of naturally occurring fibrous minerals that have historically been used in over 4,000 building products. Inhaling asbestos fibers can cause cancer and related diseases.
Our team of asbestos consulting specialists look beyond risk identification and focus on helping you handle the process of compliance and ongoing management of asbestos.
We have a substantial amount of experience in this field with our specialist expertise covering asbestos removal, asbestos management, asbestos exposure, asbestos-contaminated land, and understanding of Asbestos Regulations.
Asbestos Surveys
Environmental Concerns qualified staff inspects and identifies suspect asbestos containing materials (ACMs) and characterizes sites for natural geologic deposits are known as “Naturally Occurring Asbestos” (NOA). An asbestos containing material or naturally occurring asbestos survey is conducted by a trained and licensed inspector and the scope of work typically involves:
- A visual inspection for asbestos
- Sampling for asbestos
- Asbestos Analysis
- A summary report
About this Process
Environmental Concerns has technical staff experienced in every analytical aspect of asbestos including the ability to determine whether the naturally occurring asbestos characterization fits with the EPA’s definition of regulated asbestos.
We prioritize high-risk projects – such as demolition or remodeling at schools or public facilities – for inspections.